Exposing the Biases Embedded in Our AI Future with Dr. Joy Buolamwini’s Algorithmic Justice League – SXSW 2024

I absolutely LOVED Dr. Joy Buolamwini’s energy and her powerful keynote at SXSW 2024! As the founder of the Algorithmic Justice League (AJL), Dr. Buolamwini’s work shines a crucial light on the biases and harms present in many of today’s AI systems – and the urgent need to build a more equitable technological future.

From Poet to AI Trailblazer

Dr. Buolamwini’s journey is a fascinating one. Growing up, she was immersed in both the artistic and scientific worlds, with a scientist father and an artist mother. This unique upbringing instilled in her a deep curiosity about technology and a passion for using creative expression to drive change.

“I thought if I brought in the art, if I brought in the poetry, people wouldn’t take my research as seriously,” Dr. Buolamwini shared. But she eventually found the courage to embrace her identity as a “poet of code,” using spoken word and multimedia to enhance her vital message.

Uncovering Algorithmic Discrimination

Dr. Buolamwini’s groundbreaking “Gender Shades” research at MIT revealed major disparities in the accuracy of commercial facial analysis systems across gender and skin tone. The worst performance was on darker-skinned women, exposing the “coded gaze” of the predominantly white and male technologists developing these AI tools.

Driving Corporate Accountability

After sharing the Gender Shades findings, Dr. Buolamwini and the AJL team were able to spur action from major tech companies like Amazon, Microsoft, and IBM. These firms ended up scaling back or discontinuing the sale of their facial recognition products to law enforcement, a significant policy shift driven by the AJL’s research and advocacy.

Real-World Harms of Biased AI

But Dr. Buolamwini’s work goes beyond just the numbers. She is deeply committed to strengthening the stories of those harmed by biased AI systems, whom she refers to as the “excoded.” High-profile cases like the false arrests of Porcha Woodruff while 8 months pregnant and Robert Williams demonstrate the very human costs of these flawed technologies.

“No one is immune from AI harm,” Dr. Buolamwini emphasized. By centering these personal narratives, she aims to inspire broader public awareness and action around the urgent need for more ethical and equitable AI development.

Campaigns Against Harmful AI Expansion

Dr. Buolamwini highlighted concerning trends like the TSA’s plan to expand facial recognition to over 400 US airports. In response, the Algorithmic Justice League launched the “Fly AJL.ORG” campaign to raise awareness and give people tools to opt out of these biometric surveillance systems.

Multifaceted Approach to Change

The AJL’s multifaceted approach combines research, policy advocacy, creative activism, and community engagement. From advising policymakers to producing documentary films (for example, “Coded Bias”, a documentary film), Dr. Buolamwini and her team are working tirelessly to drive systemic change.

“Oftentimes when you’re not in the mainstream, you can see what others don’t,” Dr. Buolamwini explained. “There’s so much we’re losing when we have really homogenous fields.” Her vision is to build a diverse, inclusive ecosystem of AI development that benefits all of humanity.

The Challenges Ahead

As new AI technologies like large language models and deepfakes emerge, Dr. Buolamwini acknowledges the daunting road ahead. She is particularly concerned about the potential for these tools to be misused to undermine election integrity and incite violence.

“This question of why it didn’t happen goes back to priority and perspective,” she said. “And so I think it’s so important that we understand what we’re losing when we have really homogenous fields.”

Join the Fight for Algorithmic Justice

Dr. Buolamwini’s inspiring keynote was a powerful call to action. By centering diverse voices and perspectives in AI development, we can work towards a future where these transformative technologies truly serve the needs of all people, not just the privileged few.

To get involved, Dr. Buolamwini encourage everyone to visit the Algorithmic Justice League’s website at report.ajl.org and share your own stories or support their vital work!

Link to Speaker Keynote

Dr. Joy Buolamwini’s Keynote at SXSW 2024.